Install PHP PECL on CentOS

When trying to install the PECL timezonedb module onto one of my webservers the other day, I discovered that the PECL library was not installed. (PECL is a repository for PHP extensions). I did a Google search for how to install PECL but couldn’t find anything to help. In the end I managed to work …

PHP install pecl_http http support

When installing the extension using the PECL tool, the following error occurs:# pecl install channel:// xhprof-0.9.1.tgz …Starting to download xhprof-0.9.1.tgz (925,239 bytes)……………..done: 925,239 bytes11 source files, buildingrunning: phpizeCannot find config.m4.Make sure that you run ‘/usr/local/bin/phpize’ in the top level source directory of the moduleERROR: `phpize’ failed

Install and Develop with Memcached

Your latest PHP/MySQL website is finally online. And it’s awesome. But it’s not as fast as you want it to be, because of the many SQL queries running every time a page is generated. And above that, you have the feeling it will not scale well under heavy loads. And you are most likely right.