Ajax Calendar help users to choose one or more dates from a graphical calendar presented in a month interface. Flat Calendar Style, Pop Calendar Style, Fade Effect Calendar Style and more Style make great looking improvement to the user interface of your web application more http://php-ajax-code.blogspot.com/2007/07/15-calendar-time-script-with-ajax-and.html
Tag Archives: JavaScript – Ajax
ajax jquery jCarousel
jCarousel Riding carousels with jQuery Author: Jan Sorgalla Version: 0.2.4 (Changelog) Download: jcarousel.tar.gz or jcarousel.zip Licence: Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/#Examples
jQuery Plugins and Demos
jQuery Plugins and Demos Plugins BlockUI Plugin (Updated 29-MAR-2010) Simulate synchronous ajax by blocking – not locking – the UI. Corner plugin (Updated 11-MAR-2010) Rounded corners without images. Plus lots of other corner adornments. Cycle Plugin (Updated 05-APR-2010) Image or text slideshows with numerous transition options. Feeds Plugin (Updated 11-MAY-2007) A jQuery wrapper for the …
Open a modal window from a Flash movie
AS1 / AS2 In the action of your flash button, you have to execute this code: getURL(“javascript:$.nyroModalManual({url:’YOUR URL’});”); AS3 In the action of your flash button, you have to execute this code: ExternalInterface.call(“$.nyroModalManual({url:’YOUR URL’})”); http://nyromodal.nyrodev.com/wiki/index.php/Open_a_modal_window_from_a_Flash_movie
display an object inf javascript
Here’s how to show the contents of a object in Javascript function concatObject(obj) { str=”; for(prop in obj) { str+=prop + ” value :”+ obj[prop]+”\n”; } return(str); }
Easy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery
Today, I would like to go over a quick and simple way to allow your users to switch page layouts by using CSS and jQuery.