Everybody knows that FlashVars are pretty useful when you want to work with dynamic data being passed from the URL or from the object tags, that gives you a bit of a dynamic touch to your application as well allows you to shorten out your delivery time since you can create your flash object only …
Tag Archives: Flash
flash UIObject.setSize()
Example The following example resizes the pBar component instance to 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels high: pBar.setSize(100, 100); [ad code=4 align=center]
clickTAG banner code
on (release) { if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == “http:”) { getURL(clickTAG, “_blank”); } } What are the requirements for Flash ads? Flash is a plug-in for web browsers that allows animation to be added to web page components, including AdWords ads. Flash advertising is allowed for all AdWords advertisers, with some technical restrictions. Flash ads must be …
Flash Tweener : Tweening Parameters
onComplete Availability AS2 and AS3. Usage … onComplete:value, … Parameters value:Function — A function that is called immediately after a tweening is completed. It is called once regardless of the number of properties involved on the tweening. The function scope (in which the event is executed) is the target object itself, unless specified by the onCompleteScope …
Flash full screen browser scrollbars
As 3pepe3 stated you can use the CSS overflow property in your css: overflow:visible overflow:hidden overflow:scroll overflow:auto http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_pos_overflow.asp Here are some other solutions that your probably talking about however when it comes to flash sites: 1.) Stop making Flash scrollbars http://hossgifford.com/resizer/ Download link. 2.) swfforcesize – Size limiting for full window flash http://blog.pixelbreaker.com/flash/swfforcesize/ 3.) Fullscreen …
Flash 8 Active Blur – Blur Behind a Transparent Object – Source Available
Flash 8 Active Blur – Blur Behind a Transparent Object – Source Available **UPDATE: New Version here.