Two companies that do great creatives are tangozebra ( and gluelondon (, im not sure about an award site but all of their work is the best i’ve ever seen.
Tag Archives: as3
Flash convert String To Number
var myhe:Number=parseInt(mystring);
Flash countdown preloader
this.onEnterFrame = function() { var amount:Number = this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal() *100; = amount; loader.loadText.text = 100 – Math.floor(Math.round(amount)/1)+”%”; if(amount < 85){ loader.alphaTo(0,2,"easeOutSine",0); } if(amount == 100) { gotoAndPlay("fadeout"); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }
Zigoengine multiple effects
multiple effects ZigoEngine.doTween(logo, “_alpha,Blur_blur”, [0,50], 0, “linear”,0); ZigoEngine.doTween(logo, “_alpha,Blur_blur”, [100,0], 4, “linear”, 0.2); logo= instance name of MC
Fusekit class Shortcuts
com.mosesSupposes.fuse class Shortcutsflash Object | +–com.mosesSupposes.fuse.Shortcuts download pdf What is the Fuse Kit?
Flash Random
random Availability Flash Player 4. This function is deprecated in Flash 5; use of the Math.random method is recommended.