flash external xml into array

flash external xml into array im attempting to take data in from an xml file and make it into an array in flash… below is the code im using- the problem i am having is that it dosent trace anything Code: var xmlDoc:XML = new XML(); System.useCodepage = true; xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true; xmlDoc.onLoad = function(ok:Boolean) …


Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe’s Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. Since Javascript was enabled, in order to check whether this was a problem of Youtube’s site only, I browse to other sites that I know use flash tech to find that I was really unable …

Flash: ASfunction Link Rollover Effect

External CSS External css as it applies to dynamic text does have limitations Some of those limitations include: javascript actions such as On rollover events in js. Borders divs and tables text is always set to wrap which can cause formatting issues when dealing with images linked to in the content.

Sharethis flash (Social bookmarking in flash)

Social bookmarking in flash!!! Now you can , place a “bookmark button” directly inside flash for sharing with the most popular online services!. This little utility can enable you to SUBMIT to most popular informational, news and bookmarking services on internet (Digg ,del.icio.us … etc.) It will help you drive more traffic to your site. AS3 …