I’m trying to create a small form that submits a form and passes a value from a text link.. Here’s what I’ve got so far..
HTML5 input autofocus Attribute
Let the “First name” input field automatically get focus when the page loads: Continue reading “HTML5 input autofocus Attribute”
Fbootstrapp Facebook bootstrap
Fbootstrapp is a toolkit designed to kickstart development of facebook iframe apps in both relevant sizes. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more, styled in the typical facebook look and feel.
QuickForm 2 is a PHP library which makes the development of complex and modern HTML forms easier and faster. It is the natural successor of QuickForm with a new revamped API, PHP5 support, new features and less bloat. Its development was started in 2007 by Alexey Borzov and Bertrand Mansion, and we are very close to a first beta release. I already use QuickForm 2 in production on a dozen of sites and since its code is almost fully unit tested, it is very stable.