A jQuery plugin that sets a division or span to show a countdown to a given time. If you find this plugin useful please vote for it on the jQuery site.
Jquery Dirty Forms Plugin
I tried a variety of jQuery plugins for warning the user when they are about to leave a form with unsaved changes, and I couldn’t quite get any of them to behave exactly the way I wanted. Among other reasons, I needed to support TinyMCE and jQuery tabs. Anyway, I ended up rolling my own, which I’m making available in case it might help somebody else. Here’s the file, usage instructions are in the source comments:
dirtyFields jQuery Plugin
The dirtyFields plugin was born out of the need to make a user aware that they had unsaved values on an HTML form.
jQuery Method To Prompt A User To Save Changes Before Leaving Page
‘m doing a little work on cleaning up an application and came acrossed an undesirable circumstance related to the UI. The app contains what appears to be a tab navigator, but rather then the tabbed links revealing hidden form elements in another tab they take the user to a whole new page. The obvious problem with this design is that the user may populate elements in the first ‘pseudo-tab’ and click on the next tab assuming that they will be able to save the data after populating the other tab. Since I’m not at liberty to make massive changes to the UI I came up with the following solution using jQuery so the user is at least warned when they leave without saving their changes. I think it’s a workable solution, and better yet it was terribly easy to do.
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Jquery Dirty Forms
Dirty Forms is a flexible jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms.