Execute a HTTP POST Using PHP CURL

A customer recently brought to me a unique challenge. My customer wants information request form data to be collected in a database. Nothing new, right? Well, there’s a hurdle — the information isn’t going to be saved on the localhost database — it needs to be stored in a remote database that I cannot connect directly to.

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Fluid Width Video 100%

IN A WORLD of responsive and fluid layouts on the web ONE MEDIA TYPE stands in the way of perfect harmony: video. There are lots of ways in which video can be displayed on your site. You might be self hosting the video and presenting it via the HTML5 <video> tag. You might be using YouTube or Vimeo which provides <iframe> code to display videos. You might be using Viddler or Blip.tv which provide nested object/embed tags to display a Flash player. In each of these scenarios, it is very common for a static width and height to be declared.

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HTML5 section/header/aside/article tags

Actually, you are quite right when it comes to header/footer. Here is some basic information on how each of the major HTML5 tags can/should be used (I suggest reading the full source linked at the bottom):

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Mac OS X – Clearing DNS Cache

Once you go to a Web site, or do any DNS lookup, the IP gets cached for quite a while. This becomes a royal pain if you’re a systems administrator who is in the middle of migrating domains from one server to another. Executing sudo killall lookupd lookupd -flushcache clears the cache, restarts the caching daemon, and fetches fresh DNS records. And there was much rejoicing…

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