Packaging Your Apps with Phar

Deployment of web applications can be difficult and cumbersome if you don’t have the right tools. If you’ve ever deployed a Java application before, I’m sure you’ve heard of JAR files (which stands for “Java ARchive”). Everything executable/accessible that makes up the application can be bundled in a single JAR file, which is a blessing when it comes time to deploy.

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One Div

One div aims to highlight the potential of CSS3 through a library of single element logos.All icons displayed on the website are realised in pure css with only one html div. The challenge is also to provide an alternative to SVG. Indeed icons allow precise borders preserved even resized (As vector format). Then we can see a clear interest inresponsive design.

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Plesk Password retrieval via the command line (Linux / Windows)

Plesk Controlpanel has several tools to retrieve the ‘admin’ password to gain entrance to the Controlpanel. Up to version 10.2 these were just unencrypted text files (say what?) on the server. Since 10.2 you need to use a command to retrieve them in plain text (sounds better, doesn’t it?).

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