Print DIV

function go()
var a =”,”,’width=300,height=300′);“text/html”);

<div id=”foo”>This is a test</div>

<input type=”button” onclick=”go()” value=”Print this Page”>

Detect web plug-ins Flash, Media PLayer and more…

Cut & Paste Detect Plugin (Flash, Java, RealPlayer etc) script

Credit: Frederic

Description: Frederic’s versatile plugin detector can be used to detect most of the important browser plugins. They include:

– Flash
– Windows Media Player
– Java
– Shockwave
– RealPlayer
– QuickTime
– Acrobat Reader
– SVG Viewer

Working in both IE and NS, this is a very handy script to have around! Continue reading “Detect web plug-ins Flash, Media PLayer and more…”

Install Curl on linux

After the Mashed Museum day yesterday, I finally got in gear to see what the OpenCalais service could do to enrich the tags upon our blog post archives and forthcoming posts. To do this I used two separate plugins that have already been written and tested out by others (i’ll write about this in a separate post). However, to get this to work, I had to get the Curl library working on our main server (backup already functions) and to do this required a clean install of curl. So first off, I’ll be techie and explain how to get curl working on your linux box post installation of apache and PHP. Most of the articles I found talked about doing this prior to installing PHP. Continue reading “Install Curl on linux”