PHP array Form Post

Form Code

<label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”oik_stoxoi[]” id=”ergasia” value=”Me perisoteri ergasia” /> Με περισσότερη εργασία</br><br> </label>

          <label><input type=”checkbox” name=”oik_stoxoi[]” id=”ergasia” value=”Me perisotero Pragramatismo” /> Με περισσότερο προγραμματισμό</br><br> </label>

<label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”oik_stoxoi[]” id=”ergasia” value=”Me perisoteri tolmi” />Mε περισσότερη τόλμη</label>

PHP action Code


for ($i=0; $i<count($_POST[‘oik_stoxoi’]); $i++){ 

$assistivetech_req .= addslashes($_POST[‘oik_stoxoi’][$i].” – “); 

//do this 

//echo $assistivetech_req;

}//end loop


Send This page to a frind Javascript Script

<script type=”text/javascript”><!–

var SubjectLine=’Take a look at this web page I found, ‘+top.document.title;
var BodyText=’You can see this page at: ‘+top.location.href;

var Message=’ <A CLASS=contact HREF=”mailto:?SUBJECT=’+escape(SubjectLine)+’&BODY=’+escape(BodyText)+'” OnMouseOver=”status=\’Envoyer cette page &agrave; vos amis\’; return true;” TITLE=”Send your friends e-mail about this page”>Send this page<\/A>’;

var MessageIE=’ <A CLASS=contact HREF=”mailto:?SUBJECT=’+(SubjectLine)+’&BODY=’+(BodyText)+'” OnMouseOver=”status=\’Envoyer cette page &agrave; vos amis\’; return true;” TITLE=”Send your friends e-mail about this page”>Send this page<\/A>’;

if(document.all) { document.write(MessageIE); }

else { document.write(Message); }


Strationery on Vista & Outlook 2007

Stationery (.htm)

Windows Vista
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery

Windows XP or Windows Server 2003
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery

Note that you may  have to “show hidden files and folders” in order to access the paths listed above. To do this, follow these directions…

To display hidden folders, do the following:

* Windows Vista
1. In Windows, click the Start button, and then click Control Panel.
2. Click Appearance and Personalization.

If you are using Control Panel Classic View, double-click Folder Options, and then continue with step 4.
3. Click Folder Options.
4. On the View tab, under Advanced settings, under Files and Folders, under Hidden files and folders, select Show hidden files and folders.

* Microsoft Windows XP
1. Click the Start button, and then click Control Panel.
2. Click Folder Options.
3. Click the View tab, and then click the Show hidden files and folders option.

Now that you can access to the folder, simply drag and drop your HTML email stationery file into the folder.

Now open outlook 2007 and select Tools – Options.
Select the “Mail Format” tab and click the “Stationery and Font…” button

Ensure that the Personal Stationery Tab is selected and click the “Theme…” button

You will now see a list of available themes listed in the left hand side. Select your Email Stationery from the list (it will be listed as the file name).

While they don’t make it easy, it’s still possible. But this leads me to wonder. Is Email Stationery dead?

Creating custom Outlook stationery

Creating custom Outlook stationery

I made some custom Outlook stationery with my new logo:

Customized Outlook stationery screenshot

Making your own custom Outlook stationery is pretty easy if you know some basic HTML and CSS. All you have to do is make a really simple web page and move the .html and graphic files into a specific Documents and Settings folder. Here’s what I did: Continue reading “Creating custom Outlook stationery”