How to configure ISA Server, Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition, or Windows Essential Business Server 2008

To administer a computer that is running SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 7.0 through an ISA server or Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Editionateway, you must configure both the ISA server and the client computer that has Enterprise Manager installed. Continue reading “How to configure ISA Server, Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition, or Windows Essential Business Server 2008”

Enable remote Connection sql server 2008

Did you enable TCP/IP from Configuration manager? By default it is disabled and you need to enable it to connect from a remote client.


To enable TCP/IP:

1. run SQL Server Configuration manager

2. select SQL Server Network Configuration

3. select Protocols for ‘instancename’

4. right click on TCP/IP and select ‘enable’


Do you have Sql Server Management Studio. If yes, then you can open it and right click the instance in question, go to Properties -> Connections -> Check “Allow remote connections to this server”.

You might also have to enable TCP/IP Protocol to be enabled thru Configuration Manager.

[How To] Configuring AwStats to show which countries the visitors are coming from?


By default AwStats does not show countries visitors are coming from. To enable this feature,  GeoIP plugin should be configured. Here is the information about this plugin from /etc/awstats/awstats.conf: Continue reading “[How To] Configuring AwStats to show which countries the visitors are coming from?”

Tinymce pagebreak button

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