var myhe:Number=parseInt(mystring);
Flash countdown preloader
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var amount:Number = this.getBytesLoaded()
/ this.getBytesTotal() *100; = amount;
loader.loadText.text = 100 – Math.floor(Math.round(amount)/1)+”%”;
if(amount < 85){ loader.alphaTo(0,2,"easeOutSine",0); } if(amount == 100) { gotoAndPlay("fadeout"); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }
Zigoengine multiple effects
multiple effects
ZigoEngine.doTween(logo, “_alpha,Blur_blur”, [0,50], 0, “linear”,0);
ZigoEngine.doTween(logo, “_alpha,Blur_blur”, [100,0], 4, “linear”, 0.2);
logo= instance name of MC
$_SERVER[’PHP_SELF’], $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], and $_SERVER[’SCRIPT_NAME’] all behave in similar ways, they return information about what file is being used. When exposed to some differnt scenarios, you can see in some cases they do behave differently. This can help you decide which is best for what you need in your script. Continue reading “PHP $_SERVER”
InterAKT mark-up language
InterAKT mark-up language
The InterAKT Dynamic Data provides automatically generated mark-ups for dynamic data, from the source you specify. These mark-ups are replaced at runtime by the actual value, and are taken into account when doing the operations they are involved in. It is used in MX Kollection 3 to provide a unified mark-up language for dynamic values on all server models. Using the InterAKT mark-up knowledge also reduces the need for developers to know a specific programming language. Continue reading “InterAKT mark-up language”
How to install a template in phpbb3
How to install a template in phpbb3 from M M on Vimeo.