Flash countdown preloader

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var amount:Number = this.getBytesLoaded()
/ this.getBytesTotal() *100;
loader.bar._xscale = amount;
loader.loadText.text = 100 – Math.floor(Math.round(amount)/1)+”%”;

if(amount < 85){ loader.alphaTo(0,2,"easeOutSine",0); } if(amount == 100) { gotoAndPlay("fadeout"); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }

InterAKT mark-up language

InterAKT mark-up language

The InterAKT Dynamic Data provides automatically generated mark-ups for dynamic data, from the source you specify. These mark-ups are replaced at runtime by the actual value, and are taken into account when doing the operations they are involved in. It is used in MX Kollection 3 to provide a unified mark-up language for dynamic values on all server models. Using the InterAKT mark-up knowledge also reduces the need for developers to know a specific programming language. Continue reading “InterAKT mark-up language”