WordPress Feeds

Introduction to Feeds

feed is a function of special software that allows feedreaders to access a site, automatically looking for new content and then posting the information about new content and updates to another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites.

There are several different kinds of feeds, read by different feedreaders. Some feeds include RSS (alternately defined as “Rich Site Summary” or “Really Simple Syndication”), Atom or RDF files.

WordPress Built-in Feeds

By default, WordPress comes with various feeds. They are generated by template tag for bloginfo() for each type of feed and are typically listed in the sidebar and/or footer of most WordPress Themes. They look like this: Continue reading “WordPress Feeds”

Configure Masked Text Field

To set the dialog box options, follow the next steps:

  1. In the Apply to field drop-down menu select the text field on which to apply the server behavior.
  2. In the Mask drop-down menu select one of the predefined masks or create your own custom mask. To learn more about this, read the note below.
  3. The Restrict to mask checkbox enables the option of limiting the text field input to the mask type. If you do not check it, you can enter at most as many characters as the mask has (so less, but not more).
  4. In the Default value text box enter a starting value for the masked text field. You can also select it from one of the available recordsets in your page by using the lightning icon on the right.
  5. The three buttons on the right of the interface offer you the next functionalities:
    · Click OK when you are done configuring the server behavior.
    · Click Cancel to exit without applying the new settings.
    · The Help button opens this help page.

Continue reading “Configure Masked Text Field”

Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted

When trying to automatically upgrade a blog from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2 it wouldn’t work and I saw an error message similar to this: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted. It seems the error is pretty common and I found the solutions on the WordPress.org support forums. In my case it was an active plugin causing the problem. I started deactivated one plugin at a time and trying the automatic upgrade after each one. It wasn’t until the 8th deactivated plugin, Contact Form, that the automatic upgrade worked.

Continue reading “Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted”

Add Trailing Slash to the End of the URL with .htaccess Rewrite Rules

For a website that has URLs that end with a slash (/), it’s a good practice to ensure that all url links been parsed by the web server ended with trailing slash, even if visitors forget to enter the ending slash. This avoid visitors been served with 404 Page Not Found or Page Cannot be Displayed error as some webservers treat links without trailing slash as a file name instead of directory, and thus unable to locate the documents. It also eliminates the possibility that both pages with same content, one with slash at the end and another without, been viewed by search engines as duplicate content.

As an example, all hits to http://www.mydigitallife.info/contact should be redirect to http://www.mydigitallife.info/contact/. Continue reading “Add Trailing Slash to the End of the URL with .htaccess Rewrite Rules”

Google and Zimbra contact sync for Thunderbird

  1. What is synchronized?
  2. What isn’t synchronized?
  3. Contact conversion
  4. Thunderbird and Google Addressbook differences
    1. No empty contacts
    2. When rules break

Also see the FAQ for thunderbird contact sync.

more info http://www.zindus.com/faq-thunderbird-google/ Continue reading “Google and Zimbra contact sync for Thunderbird”