PHP – Countdown Script

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$day = 16; // Day
$month = 7; // Month
$year = 2001; // Year

if ($month == 1) $month_name= "January";
if ($month == 2) $month_name= "February";
if ($month == 3) $month_name= "March";
if ($month == 4) $month_name= "April";
if ($month == 5) $month_name= "May";
if ($month == 6) $month_name= "June";
if ($month == 7) $month_name= "July";
if ($month == 8) $month_name= "August";
if ($month == 9) $month_name= "September";
if ($month == 10) $month_name= "October";
if ($month == 11) $month_name= "November";
if ($month == 12) $month_name= "December";

print ("There are " . (int)((mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day,$year) - time(void))/86400) . " days until & $month_name $day, $year");


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Using Div/CSS popup instead of javascript alert box

How do I backup my Plesk Server?

On WebSites Explained, Erik posts the following ideas on how to backup your plesk server.  In it, he writes:

If you have a Plesk server or virtual server, I’m sure you have though about how to backup that server. If you haven’t, please think about it now. Once your server dies on you you’ll be so sorry that you will be slamming your head against the wall.

I’ve researched and tried several options to backup my Plesk server and I’d like to share them with you, hopefully saving you some work and headaches. Continue reading “How do I backup my Plesk Server?”

Ubuntu Serious server hangups – MaxClient settings

server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting.

Please raise MaxClients and ServerLimit and restart Apache.
Edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and edit the follow!
or /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

Plesk DirectoryIndex index.html overruled by index.php

When building a site in PHP, you might want to put an index.html up to keep unwanted eyes away from your new site.
The index.html however is overruled by index.php. Here’s how to fix this:

The file /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf contains the directive to add index.php to the DirectoryIndex. This directive overrules the previous made directive which contains the index.html.
Simply add index.htm and/or index.html in front of index.php, this will look something like:
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php3
Now restart apache and you’re all done.

on debian and ubuntu


Merging 2 partitions into one

As ZLim noted, both Acronis‘ Disk Director and Symantec‘s (formerly PowerQuest) PartitionMagic will merge multiple partitions. Another program which does this is Paragon Software‘s Partition Manager.

Before attempting to merge the two partitions you may wish to backup any valuable data so that in the event of a problem you will still have access to the information stored on the hard disk drive.

Current beta test versions of Microsoft Windows Vista require about 10GB of space after installation. While this may increase by the time the operating system is released, I would think it would still install on the hard disk drive with your current partitioning scheme.