#the autoinstaller: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/autoinstaller
Attention in classroom
A tiny collection with powerfull responsive query sliders.
Web page loading speed is the most crucial part of a site’s usability and SEO. Google considers page speed to be one of the 200 ranking factors that influence a website’s position in organic search results and is known to enrich user-experience. With numerous other websites in your niche the competition to earn site traffic and keep people impressed with rich usability is becoming more crucial every day. If your website does not load quickly chances are you will lose site visitors to your competition in a matter of seconds.
(Ok, it may not be overly simple, but pretty straight forward.)
When you’re using a sophisticated design, CSS files can quickly become very long, and takes time to load. I have compiled 3 interresting ways of compressing CSS files by using PHP.
CssMin is a css parser and minfier. It minifies css by removing unneeded whitespace character, comments, empty blocks and empty declarations. In addition declaration values can get rewritten to shorter notation if available. The minification if configurable.