clickTAG banner code

on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == “http:”) {
getURL(clickTAG, “_blank”);

What are the requirements for Flash ads?

Flash is a plug-in for web browsers that allows animation to be added to web page components, including AdWords ads. Flash advertising is allowed for all AdWords advertisers, with some technical restrictions.

Flash ads must be 50K or smaller in size, use Flash versions 4 – 10, and be compiled from ActionScript 3 sources. All Flash ads should support the clickTAG variable.

The clickTAG is the tracking code assigned by Google to an individual ad. It allows Google to register where the ad was displayed when it was clicked, and helps advertisers determine the effectiveness of their campaign. On any click, Flash ads should redirect to the URL specified in the clickTAG argument; there should be no other redirection in between.

The variable name must be spelled “clickTAG” (upper-case TAG; no space between click and TAG) and not “click tag,” “Click Tag,” or any other form. This is the proper code for the clickTAG parameter:

on (release) {

getURL(clickTAG, “_blank”);

Flash Tweener : Tweening Parameters



AS2 and AS3.


... onComplete:value, ...


value:Function — A function that is called immediately after a tweening is completed. It is called once regardless of the number of properties involved on the tweening. The function scope (in which the event is executed) is the target object itself, unless specified by the onCompleteScope parameter.


// Fades a movieclip out, then automatically makes it invisible (AS2)
hideWay = function() {
	this._visible = false
myMovieClip._visible = true;
myMovieClip._alpha = 100;
Tweener.addTween(myMovieClip, {_alpha:0, time:1, delay:4, onComplete:hideAway});
// Similarly, with an anonymous function
myMovieClip._visible = true;
myMovieClip._alpha = 100;
Tweener.addTween(myMovieClip, {_alpha:0, time:1, delay:4, onComplete:function() { this._visible = false; }});


The reference passed to this property is a reference to the function only. This roughly means you do not use any kind of parenthesis or parameters when passing the function you wish to call – you need to use theonCompleteParams parameter for that. See the onStart method notes for more information and examples.

See also


Flash full screen browser scrollbars

As 3pepe3 stated you can use the CSS overflow property in your css:


Here are some other solutions that your probably talking about however when it comes to flash sites:

1.) Stop making Flash scrollbars
Download link.

2.) swfforcesize – Size limiting for full window flash

3.) Fullscreen Flash With Browser Scrollbars…ml-scrollbars/

4.) Elastic Flash with scrollbars…th-scrollbars/

5.) FitFlash/swffit – Smart Flash Resize Script
FitFlash is now swffit

6.) swfIN is a javascript toolkit for flash developers (actually like SWFobject)

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Free Photoshop browser templates

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Free Photoshop browser templates More than just a browser screenshot: extra features! Continue reading “Free Photoshop browser templates”