jQuery Related (Dependent) Selects Plugin

I’ve finally gotten around to writing & releasing a jQuery plugin that allows you to create any number of related/dependent select boxes in a form. I’ve yet to find a decent solution and needed something that was fairly customizable and could retrieve data using AJAX/JSON, so here she is.

Continue reading “jQuery Related (Dependent) Selects Plugin”

jQuery: modifying the submit button when a form is submitted

I’ve found it useful on certain apps to disabled the submit button once the form has been submitted to prevent the user from accidentally/deliberately clicking on it twice. There are two ways to accomplish this, and only one will work in IE. Can you guess which one? Continue reading “jQuery: modifying the submit button when a form is submitted”

WordPress Plugins and Widgets

Top WordPress Plugins and Widgets

The wordpress plugins are arranged broadly by category of usage. As far as I know, all these plugins are compatible with the latest WordPress 2.5 version. Please feel free to suggest great plugins in comments that I can add to this list. Continue reading “WordPress Plugins and Widgets”

Jquery Multi selector, comma separated values

Select Multiple Form Fields

Drop down check list

Finding a better solution for multiple selection

Most of the form fields available with HTML are straightforward and easy for people to understand and use. But there is one exception. The select multiple. While useful and necessary, the select multiple form field has always been a usability challenge.

Continue reading “Jquery Multi selector, comma separated values”

Qmail commands

# /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/mailqueuemng –help
qmHandle v1.2.0
Copyright 1998-2003 Michele Beltrame

Available parameters:
-a : try to send queued messages now (qmail must be running)
-l : list message queues
-L : list local message queue
-R : list remote message queue
-T : list todo message queue
-s : show some statistics
-mN : display message number N
-dN : delete message number N
-Stext : delete all messages that have/contain text as Subject
-D : delete all messages in the queue (local and remote)
-V : print program version

Additional (optional) parameters:
-c : display colored output
-N : list message numbers only
(to be used either with -l, -L, -R or -T)

You can view/delete multiple message i.e. -d123 -v456 -d567

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