Linux Open Source Telephony Projects Voices


AsteriskNOW is an open source Software Appliance based on CentOS. As it provides a modified kernel, please don’t ask for help on CentOS channels but seek help from them. Quoting from their document, AsteriskNOW 1.5.0 released: “As always, please use and for issues and feed.”

Continue reading “Linux Open Source Telephony Projects Voices”

How To Create an IE-Only Stylesheet

The Code

This would go in your <head> with all the other regular CSS <link>ed CSS files. The opening and closing tags should be familiar, that’s just regular ol’ HTML comments. Then between the brackets, “IF” and “IE” should be fairly obvious. The syntax to note is “!” stand for “not”, so !IE means “not IE”. gt means “greater than”, gte means “greater than or equal”, lt means “less than”, lte means “less than or equal.” Continue reading “How To Create an IE-Only Stylesheet”

YouTube APIs and Tools

Developer’s Guide: Data API Protocol

The YouTube Data API allows applications to perform functions normally executed on the YouTube website. The API enables your application to search for YouTube videos and to retrieve standard video feeds, comments and video responses. In addition, the API lets your application upload videos to YouTube or update existing videos. Your application can also retrieve playlists, subscriptions, user profiles and more. Finally, your application can submit authenticated requests to enable users to create playlists, subscriptions, contacts and other account-specific entities. Continue reading “YouTube APIs and Tools”

Free Feature-rich PHP Mailer swiftmailer

Free Feature-rich PHP Mailer

Swift Mailer integrates into any web app written in PHP 5, offering a flexible and elegant object-oriented approach to sending emails with a multitude of features.

  • Send emails using SMTP, sendmail, postfix or a custom Transport implementation of your own
  • Support servers that require username & password and/or encryption
  • Protect from header injection attacks without stripping request data content
  • Send MIME compliant HTML/multipart emails
  • Use event-driven plugins to customize the library
  • Handle large attachments and inline/embedded images with low memory use

htaccess Redirect to Maintenance Page

Redirecting visitors to a maintenance page or other temporary page is an essential tool to have in your tool belt. Using HTAccess, redirecting visitors to a temporary maintenance page is simple and effective. All you need to redirect your visitors is the following code placed in your site’s root HTAccess: Continue reading “htaccess Redirect to Maintenance Page”