Creating a gradient opacity mask in Illustrator

Illustrator has great control over gradients and blends but if you want to fade the gradient from color to transparency you have to use Opacity Mask.

The use of opacity masks in Illustrator is not as straightforward as in Photoshop but is just as powerful once you get to know how to use them.

Here is something to get you started.

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EPS AI illustrator QR Code generator

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QR Code and 2D Code Generator

This page is an online two dimensional code generator which is written in PHP. It can generate QR Code, Data Matrix, Aztec Code and Micro QR Code for the time being. Because QR Code is much more popular than the other code formats, it is separately named in the page title. If you need more information on two dimensional bar code systems, I strongly suggest that you take a look at Roger Smolski‘s comprehensive blog on QR Code and two dimensional bar codes. Also you should check out John Hopkins‘s extensive iPhone QR Code reader roundup. Lastly, if you would like to help a student with his university expenses, you can try Michael Schade‘s QR Business Cards service.

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PHP Thumbnail Image of Youtube Video

With PHP language, I can give you a tutorial how to catch / captive a current youtube image thumbnail from the certain video. From the example below, I show to you how to get the thumbnail of IRON MAN 2 UPDATE from Youtube.
The URL :

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