The HTML5 Media Framework
Audio Player 2.0
Version 2.0 released
January 4th, 2010
Version 2.0 is now finally available for download through the WordPress plugin repository.
sqlite error codes
here are the error codes for sqlite, straight from their site:
The error codes for SQLite version 3 are unchanged from version 2. They are as follows:
MySQL if exist update else insert
I whant to write single sql for this:
if not exists (table colum value=something) insert new row else update table colum value
i know that MSSQL has this method, but how to do this in mysql?
Greek Internet ISPs DNS ,POP3 & SMTP
Greek Internet ISPs DNS ,POP3 & SMTPĀ full list
Corona VS Phonegap Vs Titanium
I am a web developer and I want to move my web products to iPhone. One of the products is like Google Maps: show map on the phone screen, you can drag or resize the map and view some information that we add to the map.