Roundabout for jQuery
Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that converts a structure of static HTML elements into a highly customizable turntable-like interactive area. (And now, not just turntables, but many shapes!)
Reflection for jQuery
This is an improved version of the reflection.js script rewritten for the jQuery javascript library. It allows you to add instantaneous reflection effects to your images in modern browsers, in less than 2 KB.
Protected: ios development
How to Force Quit an Application in Mac OS X
How many times has this happened to you?… You’re surfing the web, and you click a link. You wait a few minutes, and the web page won’t come up. So you click… and click… and click again. You couldn’t be any more frustrated, could you? Then, the spinning disk of color pops up in place of your cursor, and doesn’t go away. Oh great… your computer’s frozen! And it won’t un-freeze! Here is how you can escape this problem by force quitting the program that has crashed.
Continue reading “How to Force Quit an Application in Mac OS X”
You be the Director
Screenflick records anything shown on your screen. Record a movie of yourself creating an artistic masterpiece in Photoshop, or record a training video to teach someone how to use new software. Screenflick 2 is even plenty fast enough to record the latest 3D games. Continue reading “screenflick”