Start with your prototype and possibly wireframes and then the correct template should jump out at you. Continue reading “Choose which Xcode Template to Use?”
Unit Testing with Cocos2d and Xcode 4
Unit Testing with Cocos2d and Xcode 4
Adding unit testing to my Cocos2d project took longer than I expected. In hindsight it was because I didn’t really understand how targets worked in Xcode. After stumbling around for a while, I figured out how to get this working. Here’s the steps I used. If you know a better/faster way, please leave a comment below. Continue reading “Unit Testing with Cocos2d and Xcode 4”
The world’s best game engine …
Now at your fingertips.
Experience the power and potential of Unreal Engine 3 on PC and iOS. Create lifelike scenes and fantastic worlds with the same toolset used to make Gears of War and Infinity Blade. Continue reading “UDK UNREAL DEVELOPMENT KIT”
Jquery fullscreen gallery
A simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery frameworkand some simple CSS.
jquery Backstretch
Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page. The image will stretch to fit the page, and will automatically resize as the window size changes.
PHP casting operators
$myText = (string)$myVar;
There are more details for string casting and conversion in the Strings section of the PHP manual, including special handling for booleans and nulls.