48 Snow, Ice, Snowflake and Christmas Brushes

Soon the Christmas time will come, and winter related designs will become more and more popular – I am hoping these brushes will help You to create all those winter season works. There are pine, ice, snowflake, snow and many different Christmas brushes for every taste in this list.
Also these brushes are great inspiration to remind You the most popular Christmas symbols.

Put these brushes in good use or just bookmark them for later use! Remember soon these brushes will become handy!

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Snowstorm: A JavaScript Snow Effect for HTML

Let It Snow.

So, you want JavaScript snow on your web site, eh?

Snowstorm is a JavaScript-driven snow effect that can be easily added to web pages. It is free for use, and easy to set up. A single JavaScript file provides the functionality required. No images are used for the snow effect.

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Illustrator Tutorial: Warp Text Inside A Heart Shape

In this tutorial, we will see how we can warp the text around a shape or a object. This technique will show you how to combine the text wrap and heart shape together to achieve the text wrap effect. This tutorial will concentrate on how to use Envelope Distort feature in Illustrator to achieve this effect. You will also learn some new techniques along the way. For this to work effectively, first we have to decide on a suitable shape.

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