Adobe Illustrator Free-Transform Tool

The "Free Transform" tool is located in Adobe Illustrator’s "Tool Palette." To activate this tool, click on it’s symbol in the Adobe’s Tool Palette (left) or you can use the keyboard shortcut "E" to access the "Free Transform" tool. Note:The following hardware and software was used in this tutorial: Apple Mac Pro computer, a Wacom Intuos 6×8drawing tablet and Adobe Illustrator CS-CS5 vector drawing software.

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cRARk rar password recovery

The primary goal of cRARk is to

recover (crack) your forgotten password on RAR archives.
Rar/WinRar versions 2.x-3.x-4.x up to 4.0 are supported.
Please bear in mind you have quite no chance to crack unknown password (longer than 6-7 symbols) if you have no additional info about it.
This is command-line utility for Win32, Linux, Mac OS. Continue reading “cRARk rar password recovery”

10 Ways to Use .htaccess to Speed Up WordPress

Recently I’ve become more and more interested in the .htaccess file as a way to speed up and protect your site. Previously here on WPShout I’ve written an “A to Z of WordPress .htaccess Hacks”, which has been a very popular post, and today we’re going to look at ten easy methods to speed up WordPress with the .htaccess file. Not all of these applyspecifically to WordPress; you could easily apply most of these to any other site.

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wp Using Permalinks

Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as well as categories and other lists of weblog postings. A permalink is what another weblogger will use to link to your article (or section), or how you might send a link to your story in an e-mail message. The URL to each post should be permanent, and never change — hence permalink.

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