Parse XML With PHP : Read XML File From URL

You can build really cool apps with API’s and most sites will send either JSON or XML back to your app, I prefer JSON actually but some of these API’s will only send XML and, while you can always convert XML to JSON, it’s always better to save that processing time.

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Encrypt Your HDD Using TrueCrypt

Hard drive encryption sounds like an intimating concept, mostly because it is. The thought of taking your precious files, then using a mathematical formula to convert them into random noise before scattering them back across your disk is a hard sell. The harsh reality is, mobile computing is on the rise, and so is laptop theft. Depending on who you ask, anywhere from 500,000 to over 1,000,000 laptops are lost or stolen in the US each year. In some cases, the data on the hard drive is often more valuable than the machine itself.

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Tips for Drawing with Brushes in Illustrator CS2

The title of this chapter, "Drawing with Brushes" is shorthand for applying brush strokes to paths. You’ll have more fun, be more productive, and be less frustrated if you take a moment to appreciate the difference.

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Illustrator Brush and Symbol Collection

Illustrator brushes are always underestimated and AI brushes are a lot less around than Photoshop brushes, but I looked all over the web to search for the best brushes, I could find.  Also note, in Adobe homepage You must register in order to download brushes, but I think it’s really worth it and for the most cases read description to use brushes correctly. So here You have 30 beautiful Illustrator brushes for daily use! And I am really hoping these brushes will help in Your workflow, as these do and did in mine. Cheers!

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