WD Caviar Blue / SE / SE16 (SATA II)
Using Facebook Graph API In Flash AS3 (1.5)
This article is a beginner’s How To use the Flash Facebook API (facebook-actionscript-api), in particular in authenticating user and loading the user’s name in Flash applications.
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How to remove hidden hardware devices from Device Manager
A common issue that may indicate that a device may be present (but not shown in Device Manager) is when a network card has been replaced, and the new network card is configured with the same IP Address. In this case you may receive the following message, when you configure the new network card with the same IP address.
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Facebook: get user thumb img URL upon connecting to the app
Once connected to your app, all you need is to grab their user id. You can get this by callinghttps://graph.facebook.com/me (or parsing the access_token Facebook gave you). To get the users friends photos, you will want to access /me/friends and grab the id’s. The image you are most likely looking for is this one, as it is their face and always a small squre:
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HD Tune Pro 5.00
HD Tune Pro is an extended version of HD Tune which includes many new features such as: write benchmark, secure erasing, AAM setting, folder usage view, disk monitor, command line parameters and file benchmark.
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