
One of the most common complaints about newer versions of Windows is the slow copying speed, especially when transferring lots of files over the network. If you want to speed up your copying or if you regularly transfer large amounts of data and have to stop the process to perform some other disk-intensive task, this program may be just what you need.


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How to Scrape Meta Tags From Any Web Page With PHP

A couple of weeks ago I was going to work on a new project, it was a directory-like kind of app. One the things this application had to do was let users add their websites to their profiles, and so the first question came up, “how am going to get their website’s title and meta tags?”.

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Using ‘date’ meta-tags for dynamic content

Why add a date to your content?

Everyone wants to see the most current content. Why should you want to date it if the server will automatically tell the browser that it’s all ‘brand new’ when serving an active page (i.e. PHP, ASP, JSP, etc.)?! By putting a date on your content you’re admitting that it’s not all sparkling new, but rather has been written some time ago. You would think that search engines will think that it’s worth less than normal active content without a date — but actually it’s the other way around.

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MySQL group by day, month or year using a timestamp column


In Ruby on Rails, created_at and updated_at columns are MySQL timestamp columns.  GROUP BY is pretty useless on a timestamp column, unless you are trying to group rows that were added at the same second.  I needed to group by just the date, so in order to do this I had to manipulate the timestamp with a MySQL operator.  Using the DATE_FORMAT operator, you can easily group the timestamp column using any format you want.  For my example, I needed to group rows that were added on the same day.  Here is my query:

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