JavaScript API Overview
Overview Of Operation
BrowserPlus is a browser plugin technology which is cross-platform and cross-browser. It allows services to be attained and activated on the fly which expose new functions to JavaScript that provide scriptable APIs for interacting with the client machine.
For a website to use BrowserPlus, the platform must be installed on the client machine. The platform provides APIs to help handle the problem of initial distribution, making it possible for web developers to detect whether BrowserPlus is installed and if not, whether it’s supported on the client machine.
Web developers include a small JavaScript library in their pages which provides the high level BrowserPlus JavaScript API. This library is included from a well known location:
<script src="/js/browserplus.js"></script>
Once the JavaScript library is included, the web developer may call functions on it to test for the presence of BrowserPlus, "activate" services on the fly (which perhaps will require an in-page installation), and to use the functionality provided by the activated services.
Levels of Support
BrowserPlus runs on many different browsers on a variety of platforms. With the advent of "site specific" browsers and flexible HTML parsing and rendering libraries (such as webkit and gecko), there are an enormous number of browser-like applications out there. The good news is that because these different implementations often use the same frameworks, the BrowserPlus plugin will likely work in many of these different environments. That said, the BrowserPlus team only tests a subset of the environments in which BrowserPlus runs.
To support experimentation, we have a tiered model for expressing the support level of client side technology (OS & browser). The platform function BrowserPlus.clientSystemInfo() encapsulates a lookup table with the currently supported browsers and their support level. The following code will alert the level of support for the end-users browser:
var csi = BrowserPlus.clientSystemInfo();
We have three support levels with different meanings:
- supported – These browser/OS combinations are supported and tested rigorously before each platform release.
- experimental – These browser/OS combinations are supported but have been minimally tested. It’s possible that not all features may function.
- unsupported – This is not a platform that’s been tested by the BrowserPlus team. Your mileage may vary.
This checking is available whether or not the BrowserPlus plugin is loaded, and will function even if the platform is not installed on the client machine.
The main idea is that we make information about support levels available to web developers, and leave the ultimate decision of what levels of support to allow up to the site author.
JS Library Versioning
As you’ll notice above, the BrowserPlus platform version is included in the URL to attain the BrowserPlus JavaScript library. In general, you may use any version of the library to work with the latest (major) version of the platform. Within a major version, we do our best to preserve backwards compatibility. As we release new platforms, it’s very likely that new functionality will be added to the JavaScript library. The presence of new functionality is indicated with the increment of minor version.
For a web developer, it’s sufficient to use the latest available version, and to "upgrade" to the newest as part of each significant site modification.
While we are aggressive about background downloading and updating of the platform on client machines, we realize that requiring all sites using BrowserPlus to update in lock-step is impractical. For this reason we aim to minimize judicious API major version updates while maintaining backwards compatibility through a major version. BrowserPlus.init() does checking for major version by default, but this behavior may be altered by supplying optional arguments.
Initializing BrowserPlus
BrowserPlus.init() will attempt to initialize the BrowserPlus platform. Init returning false can mean a number of things. The most common reasons are the platform is not installed, or the site attempting to load the platform is not allowed to do so. In general it is sufficient to consider four classes of errors:
- BrowserPlus is installed and ready (result.success === true)
- BrowserPlus is not installed (result.error === ‘bp.notInstalled’)
- BrowserPlus is not supported on the client browser/os (result.error === ‘bp.unsupportedClient’)
- An unexpected error occured, (such as the end user refused a request to activate services or grant permissions). You may inspect the error and verboseError members of the return value for detailed information, and should disable features of the site which require BrowserPlus
Offering BrowserPlus for Installation
When BrowserPlus.init() returns an error value of bp.notInstalled
, you may offer the end user a link to install BrowserPlus. The official installation link is
A user clicking on the link suggests they intend to install the platform. If you would like your page to receive a notifcation when platform installation is complete, you may use theBrowserPlus.initWhenAvailable() function. This will install a polling loop which will return when the platform is detected and successfully initialized.
The core idea here is that you may dynamically render UI which uses BrowserPlus once it’s installed, without requiring your users to reload the webpage, much less restart their browser (warning: Google Chrome requires a browser restart before it will properly detect the presence of BrowserPlus, this is a known issue).
Service Versioning
Every Service is versioned. Service versions consist of a major, minor, and micro number. A string representation of version is these three numbers concatenated together with separating dots. So 1.0.0 or 2.32.781 are possible version strings.
An important idea here is that Service versioning is more like shared library versioning than product versioning. The end user never sees these version numbers. They are a tool to allow Service authors and web-page authors to work together easily.
The meaning of these numbers is:
- major – A number that is incremented every time a API breaking change is made (removed a function, changed arguments to a function.
- minor – A number that is incremented every time a non-breaking API change is made (added optional parameter, added new function).
- micro – A bug fix or change was made that does not affect the service’s API.
For service authors, the algorithm to determine what the new version of the Service should be, given recent changes is thus:
- Will this new version break existing pages? If so, bump major, reset minor and micro to zero.
- If not, does this version provide new functionality in terms of new functions or optional parameters? If so, bump minor, reset micro to zero.
- If not, bump micro.
Requiring Services
When you’re writing a web-page that uses BrowserPlus, you use the BrowserPlus.require() function to express the service/versions that you wish to use. The require function accepts an array of service specifications, which is nothing more than a JS object with up to three properties:
- service – The name of the service.
- version – [optional] A pattern representing the version of the service that you desire. This is a string representation which may specify only the major version (i.e. "2"), major and minor ("1.5"), or all three ("1.1.1"). For a service to match the version, everything specified in this string must be the same as the service version.
- minversion – [optional] A minimum allowable version which further restricts the set of services that will satisfy the requirement.
This specification structure allows us to handle a representative set of use cases:
Use Case 1
Web-page author wishes to use the latest version of a service "FooService" that doesn’t break the API, but needs at least the functionality available in the 1.2 series.
var serviceSpecification = {
service: "FooService",
version: "1",
minversion: "1.2"
This little bit of code will keep the page on the latest available version of the service greater than 1.2.
Use Case 2
Web-page author is distrustful of service author, and wants to ensure that all users are using an exact version of the FooService service:
var serviceSpecification = {
service: "FooService",
version: "1.2.17"
This allows the web-page author to tightly control the service version they’re running on top of. The author may QA new service versions and manually bump the version number each time a new service that she’s comfortable with comes out. This usage is discouraged, as it is possible that a security hole could be found in the precise version you’re locked onto. If FooService 1.2.17 were to be blacklisted, the page would cease to function, failing with an error emitted from BrowserPlus.require().
The philosophy is that service authors should always respect the above conventions, so that web-page authors can simply specify service versions and allow automatic updates to be provisioned, which gets bug fixes and performance improvements to end users automatically.
Require and Installation delays
A BrowserPlus.require() statement may trigger the download and install of a new service. This process can take a long time depending on the size of the service distribution package and the end user’s connection speed. For this reason, we recommend displaying something visually pleasing in the time between the invocation and the call-back. A skeleton of the proposed code is:
function allServicesLoaded(results) {
if (!results.success) {
// oops! services couldn't be loaded! no version available for this
// platform? no Internet connection right now?
... code to disable feature ...
} else {
// sweet, the service is installed and loaded, let's enable the
// feature that is supports
... code to enable feature ...
function updateProgress(progress) {
... display something useful ...
var requiredServices = [
{ service: "TextToSpeech", version: "1" },
{ service: "BitTorrent", version: "4" }
services: requiredServices
progressCallback: updateProgress
Automatic Service Update
There is no guarantee that the latest version of a service will be installed. Here’s the scenario, assume that FooService versions 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 are available. Further assume that the require code looks like this:
requiredServices = [{
service: "FooService",
version: "1",
minversion: "1.1"
{services: requiredServices},
function(x) { thing ... }
Note that both service versions match this specification.. The logic in BrowserPlus is:
- If a require statement is received for which there is a downloaded update that would best satisfy the statement, offer the user installation.
- If there are no updates, and an installed service exists that satisfies the service/version/minversion specification – use it.
- If no installed services satisfy the require statement, attempt to attain a service from the distribution server, prompting the user if found, failing if not.
Back to our previous example, If FooService 1.1.0 is installed on an end user machine, and a page runs this require statement, the distribution server will not be queried for the new service version.
NOTE: A webpage author may force upgrades by using the minversion parameter in their service specifications.
Asynchronous Function Invocation
All invocation of funtions on services occurs asynchronously in the platform. All invocation of functions takes an argument object as the first parameter, and a callback function as the second. Here’s a typical call:
{key: "foo"},
function(x) { ... do something with returned value in x.value ... }
The argument object supplies named arguments, in this case a key, and the second argument provides a function to invoke when the call is complete.
Service Function Return Values
Just as all functions on Services are invoked in the same way, they return data and errors in the same way. We’ve focused one of our code samples on this pattern, and encourage you to find full documentation and discussion there.
File Handles
"Opaque File Handles" are a key means of representing user file selections as well as passing information from service to service when using the BrowserPlus platform. The key ideas of file handles are:
- A webpage may only interact with files that the user has selected (i.e. via FileBrowse or DragAndDrop)
- Selected files have a lifetime scoped to the page within which a user selects a file.
- Files are represented in javascript as objects which contain only "safe" information about the file, including size, mime-type, and file name (but not a full path).
- Full paths are kept in the platform, out of reach of javascript in the webpage.
- Certain services which modify files may return new file handles which reference temporary files with a lifetime scoped to the BrowserPlus session (aka webpage lifetime).
A JavaScript file handle representation contains the following elements:
- name: the name of the file
- size: the size of the file in bytes
- mimeType: An array of one or more mimetypes guessed based on the file’s extension.
- BrowserPlusHandleID: a randomly integer which is the file handle’s ID.
"BrowserPlusType": "BPTPath",
"BrowserPlusHandleID": 16807,
"name": "bizplan.xls",
"size": 118784,
"mimeType": [