The HTML5 test score is an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard and related specifications. Even though the specification isn’t finalized yet, all major browser manufacturers are making sure their browser is ready for the future. Find out which parts of HTML5 are already supported by your browser today and compare the results with other browsers.

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Boot to Gecko (B2G)

Boot to Gecko (B2G) is a new, proposed open source operating system intended to realize the goal of building a complete, standalone operating system for the open web.  It leverages HTML5, new Web APIs (including those for direct hardware access), a privilege model (to ensure safe exposure of hardware to pages and applications), a new boot mechanism, and new web applications to prioritize and prove the power of the system.  As a driver of standards, these new web applications initially targeted to B2G aren’t just intended to run on B2G, but on the web generally.

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