What’s Changing With Facebook’s New Timeline Fan Pages

Anyone who runs marketing programs via a Facebook page collectively grimaced yesterday morning upon seeing the news that Facebook pages would be completely changing, and then change would be mandatory in 30 short days. The new Facebook fan page design, which is very similar to the profile Timeline, is already available for all businesses to implement on Facebook pages. There will be amazing new features to take advantage of, and this will make the change worth it. Here’s what you need to know about the changes you’ll need to make to prepare for the automatic upgrade:

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date_diff for PHP 5.2

I came across a problem having developed a site with a PHP 5.3 environment, when moving the site to the live environment the server was running PHP 5.2. Whilst the server gets upgraded I looked into getting the code to work in some form in the meantime. The main issues are the functions lcfirst() and date_diff(). The former is a simple fix, a function which lower-cases the first letter of a string — I was surprised this was only introduced in 5.3!

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PHP install pecl_http http support

When installing the extension using the PECL tool, the following error occurs:# pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/xhprof-0.9.1downloading xhprof-0.9.1.tgz …Starting to download xhprof-0.9.1.tgz (925,239 bytes)……………..done: 925,239 bytes11 source files, buildingrunning: phpizeCannot find config.m4.Make sure that you run ‘/usr/local/bin/phpize’ in the top level source directory of the moduleERROR: `phpize’ failed

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