Markdown in Notepad++

I recently (recently as in about an hour ago) discovered a way to use Notepad++, my text editor of choice on Windows, to process Markdown files into html without having to jump into DOS and run do it from the command line. I’ve been trying to keep my notes in Markdown for awhile now because I like that I can easily publish them to a blog or webpage without fighting with the markup. I also like the small bit of discipline it gives to my text files and the opportunity to tinker around with scripting in the process. Since I don’t really blog that much or publish any html documents to speak of, it’s more of an affectation than a truely useful exercise. That said, I still find myself writing in Markdown with a lingering feeling that the future is all in a browser. Continue reading “Markdown in Notepad++”

Horde VS SquirrelMail VS RoundCube VS Atmail

With a cpanel/plesk account there are 3 different mail choices offered: Horde, SquirrelMail, and RoundCube. I am going to explain the major differences between the 3 of them and hopefully that will allow you to pick the best for your own use. Continue reading “Horde VS SquirrelMail VS RoundCube VS Atmail”