ssh-copy-id for OSX =================== Continue reading "Quick Mac OSX port of the useful unix utility ssh-copy-id"
Linux Find and Replace with nano
To find and replace text within the current document: Continue reading “Linux Find and Replace with nano”
Linux find in files
If youu want to find keyword in files on folder etc/
here the command Continue reading “Linux find in files”
Linux How To Benchmark Your System (CPU, File IO, MySQL)
sysbench is a benchmark suite which allows you to quickly get an impression about system performance which is important if you plan to run a database under intensive load. This article explains how to benchmark your CPU, file IO, and MySQL performance with sysbench.
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you! Continue reading “Linux How To Benchmark Your System (CPU, File IO, MySQL)”
Create USER with ROOT Privileges in Linux
Lets say we need to add a new user and grand him root privileges. Continue reading “Create USER with ROOT Privileges in Linux”
Making your BASH history more efficient
There are several ways to improve how you troubleshoot a system. One of the things I consider to be important is the BASH history. Here you can see what commands were executed. Though as default you can’t see when, or ignore certain things, like duplicate commands. Here’s a little guide to show you how. Continue reading “Making your BASH history more efficient”