The strtoupper function takes one argument, the string you want converted to upper case and returns the converted string. Only letters of the alphabet are changed, numbers will remain the same.
Category Archives: PHP
php copy files from externat server
<? $url=””; if(!file_exists(“VatsimPHPgenerator.php”)) { copy($url.”VatsimPHPgeneratorupdate.php”, “VatsimPHPgenerator.php”); } if(!file_exists(“VatsimPHPoptions.txt”)) { copy($url.”VatsimPHPoptions.txt”, “VatsimPHPoptions.txt”); } ?>
PHP array Form Post
Form Code <label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”oik_stoxoi[]” id=”ergasia” value=”Me perisoteri ergasia” /> Με περισσότερη εργασία</br><br> </label> <label><input type=”checkbox” name=”oik_stoxoi[]” id=”ergasia” value=”Me perisotero Pragramatismo” /> Με περισσότερο προγραμματισμό</br><br> </label> <label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”oik_stoxoi[]” id=”ergasia” value=”Me perisoteri tolmi” />Mε περισσότερη τόλμη</label> PHP action Code <?php for ($i=0; $i<count($_POST[‘oik_stoxoi’]); $i++){ $assistivetech_req .= addslashes($_POST[‘oik_stoxoi’][$i].” – “); //do this //echo $assistivetech_req; …
Load and Save of XML Documents
<?php //makes a new DomDocument Object with version 1.0 $dom = new DomDocument(“1.0”); //loads an XML Document from a string $dom->loadXML(“<root/>”); //loads an XML Document from the filesystem $dom->load(“examples/books.xml”); //sets output encoding $dom->encoding=“iso-8859-1”; //returns the XML Document as a string print htmlspecialchars($dom->saveXML()); //would save it to a file //print $dom->save(“filename.xml”);
CSS Alternate Colors Table Loop
CSS .rol_1{ background-color:#FFFFFF} .rol_2{ background-color:#CCCCCC} .rol_Hover{ background-color:#FFFF99} PHP Script On <TR> <?php do { ?> <tr class=”<?php echo ($ac_sw1++%2==0)?”rol_1″:”rol_2″; ?>” onmouseover=”this.oldClassName = this.className; this.className=’rol_Hover’;” onmouseout=”this.className = this.oldClassName;”> <td>loop</td> </tr> <?php } while ($row_travel_schedule = mysql_fetch_assoc($schedule)); ?>
Greek problem Crafty Syntax Live Help (version 2.15.0)
Crafty Syntax Live Help Version (version 2.15.0) Download and replace this file This is strange to me.. it seems that some browsers are auto encoding the characters? download the following file: rename it to .php “rather then “.txt” and upload it. security_functions