ASP (VB, C#) / PHP code reference

ASP ( and and PHP are the most common language for web development environment. This are not the fully conversion of one to other but get a quick references. We could get the ASP Convertor for free from the net but this might help to the developer when we work in different cross language …

Install Zend Optimizer

Overview: The Zend Optimizer is a free application that runs the files encoded by the Zend Encoder and Zend SafeGuard Suite, while enhancing the running speed of PHP applications. Many scripts require that you have Zend Optimizer installed so you are able to run them on your server while decrypting and running them on the …

PHP regular expression

PHP regular expressions seems to be a quite complicated area especially if you are not an experienced Unix user. Historically regular expressions were originally designed to help working with strings under Unix systems. Using regular expressions you can easy find a pattern in a string and/or replace it if you want. This is a very …