mysql_pconnect VS mysql_connect

resource mysql_pconnect ([ string $server = ini_get(“mysql.default_host”) [, string $username = ini_get(“mysql.default_user”) [, string $password = ini_get(“mysql.default_password”) [, int $client_flags ]]]] ) Establishes a persistent connection to a MySQL server. mysql_pconnect() acts very much like mysql_connect() with two major differences. First, when connecting, the function would first try to find a (persistent) link that’s already …

WP Increasing memory allocated to PHP

Also released with Version 2.5, the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT option allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory that can be consumed by PHP. This setting may be necessary in the event you receive a message such as “Allowed memory size of xxxxxx bytes exhausted”. This setting increases PHP Memory only for WordPress, not other applications. …

php DATE_RFC822

<?php echo(“Result with date():<br />”); echo(date(“l”) . “<br />”); echo(date(“l dS \of F Y h:i:s A”) . “<br />”); echo(“Oct 3,1975 was on a “.date(“l”, mktime(0,0,0,10,3,1975)).”<br />”); echo(date(DATE_RFC822) . “<br />”); echo(date(DATE_ATOM,mktime(0,0,0,10,3,1975)) . “<br /><br />”); echo(“Result with gmdate():<br />”); echo(gmdate(“l”) . “<br />”); echo(gmdate(“l dS \of F Y h:i:s A”) . “<br />”); echo(“Oct …