I’ve a server at home on a ADSL connection which has 100kBytes/s of upload and 1.2MBytes/s of download as bandwidth.
Category Archives: PHP
LiteSpeed Web Server
LiteSpeed Web Server is the leading high-performance, high-scalability web server. It is completely Apache interchangeable so LiteSpeed Web Server can quickly replace a major bottleneck in your existing web delivery platform. With its comprehensive range of features and easy-to-use web administration console, LiteSpeed Web Server can help you conquer the challenges of deploying an …
Building Variables In PHP
A question I often get is this: how can I make multiple variables into one? The problem is, you put them together, you go to call the variable, but instead of acting like a variable it acts like text. Here is one of the examples sent to me.
PHP Calculating the Moon Phase
I was searching for a algorithm to get the phase of the moon, and unfortunately the Moon Phase Class on PHP Classes is inaccurate. With some searching I was able to find 2 sites that have code to pull it off ( Lunar Phase Calculator and Moon Phase Calculation.
PHP Empty/Null Rows from array
I got so many empty element as well as null values in array and my SQL query is some what complex so i was not able to use IS NOT NULL inmysql Query. Only alternative way i have is removing this null values from array using PHP. I used is_null function of PHP and remove …
PHPMailer tutorial
PHPMailer is by far the BEST way to add email functionality to your web site. This is just an article to point you in the right direction to mastering this incredible php package.