date_default_timezone_set (PHP 5 >= 5.1.0) date_default_timezone_set — Sets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script
Category Archives: PHP
List of Supported Timezones
How to fix ‘Function eregi() is deprecated’ in PHP 5.3.0?
I used to use eregi for validating email address input that matches to the regular expression.
Pingback in php
Motivation: For a side project I am working on, I wanted to be able to send a trackback to WordPress blogs (or any blog with an XMLRPC endpoint), using PHP. Simple enough.
jQuery Mobile PHP MVC Framework
In my Introduction to jQuery Mobile, I mentioned that I had plans for a simple MVC framework using jQuery Mobile and that I would release it if there was enough interest (there was!). While it’s not completely finished yet, I’ve decided to release it in hopes that others find use in it and can perhaps even …
Short If-Else Structure
In addition to the enlarged if – else statement that you will use in most cases, there is also a short structure for an if – else statement. This format uses the so-called “ternary operator ‘. The syntax of this shorthand structure is as follows: