As I caught myself in process of writing PHP "log" function several times I have finally decided to create a simple Logging PHP class. After Logging class initialization, first call of lwrite method will open log file implicitly and write line to the file. Every other lwrite will use already opened file pointer until closing …
Category Archives: PHP
CSSTidy is an opensource CSS parser and optimiser. It is available as executeable file (available for Windows, Linux and OSX) which can be controlled per command line and as PHP script (both with almost the same functionality).
Minify/compress CSS with regex
Simple regex CSS minifier/compressor (Ok, it may not be overly simple, but pretty straight forward.)
3 ways to compress CSS files using PHP
When you’re using a sophisticated design, CSS files can quickly become very long, and takes time to load. I have compiled 3 interresting ways of compressing CSS files by using PHP.
A (simple) css minifier with benefits
What is CssMin? CssMin is a css parser and minfier. It minifies css by removing unneeded whitespace character, comments, empty blocks and empty declarations. In addition declaration values can get rewritten to shorter notation if available. The minification if configurable.
How to create a web bug (beacon image)
Have you ever wondered why some web pages include a 1×1 GIF image? Well, they’re calledweb bugs, and they track you.