You can use the method below to prevent duplicate form submission or form re-submission using PHP. This method is simple to implement and does not require JavaScript.
Category Archives: PHP
PHP 5.4 Features
PHP 5.4 Features PHP 5.4.0 is planned to be released on February, 2 2012. By the time you are reading this, it may already been out. It is a result of many months of development.
php gettext
gettext — Lookup a message in the current domain
Greek UTF-8 Special Characters
Here are the capital and small Greek letters for HTML 4.0 special characters from the UTF-8 Character Set.
Using JavaScript and CSS with your WordPress Plugin
A lot of plugins nowadays are more reliant on JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets. It is important to separate your JavaScript and CSS into separate files so that the plugin is easier to maintain. This portion of the series will cover how to load JavaScript and CSS files for your plugin.
php: strcmp
strcmp — Binary safe string comparison