In this article, I will share on how to get a better page speed score even when you are using TimThumb as your thumbnail resizer for your site. On my Personal Blog I’ve been using this method for quite some time and the result is quite impressive. Let’s begin the tutorial!
Category Archives: PHP
phpThumb() uses the GD library to create thumbnails from images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, etc) on the fly. The output size is configurable (can be larger or smaller than the source), and the source may be the entire image or only a portion of the original image. True color and resampling is used if GD …
Send mail through mail relay with PHP
mail() uses the smtp/sendmail settings found in php.ini. If you need to send it via another smtp, or one with authentication (like in your example) mail is simply not enough.
Create daemons in PHP
Everyone knows PHP can be used to create websites. But it can also be used to create desktop applications and commandline tools. And now with a class called System_Daemon, you can even create daemons using nothing but PHP. And did I mention it was easy?
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init()
curl is an extension that needs to be installed, it’s got nothing to do with the PHP version.
PHP Detect Mysql Too many connections
Detect "Too many connections" error and show alternate web page