WordPress TimThumb Exploitation

WordPress is one of the worlds biggest blogging platforms and can be easily extended with vulnerable add-ons to support a variety of functions – from CMS’s to stores and pretty much anything in between. Within some web applications, themes may contain variables that refer to dynamic elements while in others, like WordPress, insecure PHP files …

PHP: Crontab Class to Add, Edit and Remove Cron Jobs

Provided that your user account on the server has the privileges to access crontab thus can create or remove cron jobs, you can use this PHP class to integrate crontab in your application. I created it for many of my own projects that need crontab to do scheduled jobs. It’s pretty straightforward.

Benchmarking PHP GEttext

I created a simple web page to compare the performance of various localization methods for PHP. It only contains 3 localized strings and does not use advanced features of gettext (e.g. plurals). I wrote a version using the gettext PHP extension (“gettext Ext.”), one using PHP-gettext (“gettext PHP”, a gettext implementation written in pure PHP) …