Usage #include ” ” Parameters The filename for the script to add to the Actions panel; .as is the recommended file extension. Returns Nothing. Description Action; includes the contents of the file specified in the parameter when the movie is tested, published, or exported. The #include action is invoked when you test, publish, …
Category Archives: Programming
SlideshowPro Component Load XML Dynamic
Create a slideshopro component and give instance name “slideshoComInsta”; _global.myxml=”dynamic.xml”; slideshoComInsta.xmlFilePath = _global.myxml;
Asirra Captcha
Asirra Asirra is a human interactive proof that asks users to identify photos of cats and dogs. It’s powered by over three million photos from our unique partnership with Protect your web site with Asirra — free!
Flash Text with Links
asfunction Usage asfunction:function,”parameter” Parameters function An identifier for a function. parameter A string that is passed to the function named in the function parameter. Returns Nothing.
Mysql connect 3 Tables
SELECT *, (SELECT * FROM tb2 WHERE LIMIT 1) as newname FROM ((tb1 Left Join tb3 ON tb3 = tb3)) WHERE tb1.ok=1 ORDER BY DESC
Domain Masking
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “”> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <frameset rows=”100%,*” border=”0″> <frame src=”” frameborder=”0″ /> <frame frameborder=”0″ noresize /> </frameset> <!– pageok –> <!– 02 –> <!– 7.9–> </html>