Continuing our review of htaccess files, today we’ll examine how to use mod_rewrite to create pretty URLs.
Category Archives: .htaccess
Top 5 Online .htaccess Mod Rewrite Rules Generator
mod_rewrite rules are the power of apache which lets you to do magic withredirection. Using mod_rewrite rule you can create SEO friendly URL’s, forward specific request to any other domain, restrict access to webpages or website based on user agent and much more.
.htaccess AddCharset
Your feed appears to be encoded as "utf-8", but your server is reporting "US-ASCII"
Redirecting non-www to www with .htaccess
If you want to redirect all non-www requests to your site to the www version, all you need to do is add the following code to your .htaccess file:
increase php upload limit
.htaccess: Directory Listing – Enable Web Directory Browsing & Indexing
One of the best things I love Apache web server is that it instantly enables you to share files and resources via plain web directory index listing without having to spend time making any fancy web pages to serve them. However, there are times when you need to hide things out. To disable web directory …
Continue reading “.htaccess: Directory Listing – Enable Web Directory Browsing & Indexing”