So What Is The 960 Grid System? The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem.
Category Archives: CSS
Styling Texty Inputs Only
Let’s say you want fancy styling your your text inputs:
Box Sizing
The "box model" in CSS works like this: width + padding + border = actual visible/rendered width of box height + padding + border = actual visible/rendered height of box
Portamento is a jQuery plugin that makes it simple to add sliding (aka "floating") panel functionality to your web page. All that’s needed is some simple CSS and one line of JavaScript, and you’re away!
A best practice baseline for your mobile web app Mobile Boilerplate helps you create rich, performant, and modernmobile web apps. Kick-start your project with dozens of mobile optimizations and helpers.
Disable a link using css
The answer is already in the comments of the question. For more visibility, I am copying this to here: