SSH connect with custom user

With a terminal window open, type this command: ssh -l (username) (Use your actual Panix login instead of “(username)”, of course.)This will take you to panix1, and give you a password prompt right away. Just enter your usual Panix password, and you’re in business. NOTE: You can go to panix2, panix3, or panix5 just …

Wget HTTP Authentication issue

I found this when using HTTP authentication, not sure if this is a bug on wget or on the server side. This is wget version 1.10.2 compiled on MacOS X 10.4.8 with gcc 4.0.1 and make 3.80, which shows this behaviour: $> wget -O – –no-cache -d –http-user=admin –http-password=XXXXXX Setting –http-user (httpuser) to admin …