set locale terminal settings on Mac OS X One of my first experiences with Mac OS, was the locale errors and warnings when using ssh connections. Then I understood, that this was a problem occurred by mac os terminal. Locale settings by default are accepted from ssh client.
Category Archives: OS
MAc os set locale
I noticed the exact same issue when logging onto servers running Red Hat from an OSX Lion machine.
Securing Revive openx
No instance of Revive is totally secure but I though it might be useful to share a few of the tips I’ve gathered over the years in regard to securing the ad server. The intention being for others to add their own, with any luck we’ll create a half decent resource for new users. Tips …
Download webpage and dependencies, including css images
wget –page-requisites
command-period” ,what’s that “period” key?
The period key is the key with the small . on it in many keyboard layouts; in a North American English layout, it is two keys to the left of the right Shift key, and is on the bottom row of many numeric keypads. It is the key you used to type the . in …
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