Security analysts have detected an ongoing attack that uses a huge number of computers from across the Internet to commandeer servers that run the WordPress blogging application.
Category Archives: News
EU Cookie Law
Many of us probably heard the EU Cookie Law already and thinking about "what to do" and many others should be saying: "cookie what?".
What is Bitcoin? And how can it benefit my business?
GNU Canon Camera Utilities
Canon camera unfortunately does not plug&play its flash memory card as mass storage but the camera appears in Scanners and cameras list. It seems logical but it brings many problems because it’s not possible to open files stored in the camera directly and – probably due Windows limitation even Microsoft RAW Image Thumbnailer and Viewer …
s10sh is a command line software utility to download pictures from Canon digital cameras via a USB or serial cable. It also allows for other direct control of the camera and to explore the embedded processor.
PTP and MTP are both protocols for transferring files from a digital still camera (DSC). The protocols provide no functionality for triggering new images, or setting exposure control. You will be stuck using the camera specific SDK. If you want multiple vendor support Nikon has an SDK that provides similar support as the Canon SDK …