If you’re tired of dealing with the obnoxious "Alarm Level Changed" e-mails that Plesk’s Health Monitoring puts out, you can simply remove the package.
Category Archives: Plesk
How do I change the time zone on my server?
Plesk method To adjust the system date and time settings:
Install mpm-itk On Debian
Running Vhosts Under Separate UIDs/GIDs With Apache2 mpm-itk On Ubuntu 9.04 This article explains how you can install and configure apache2-mpm-itk on an Ubuntu 9.04 server. apache2-mpm-itk is an MPM (Multi-Processing Module) for the Apache 2 web server. mpm-itk allows you to run each of your vhost under a separate UID and GID – in …
PLESK Run PHP as User
Apache modules mpm-itk and mod_ruid2 can also run virtual hosts as their users. SuPHP uses much more CPU and memory resources than mpm-itk or mod_ruid2.
Setting Plesk Permissions
Since I started using WordPress (and more importantly developing for WordPress) I have been plagued by what seems to be a very common issue – allowing WordPress to simultaneously have internal writing permissions without breaking FTP. When using WordPress on a linux/*nix server combined with Parallels Plesk, you’re subject to dealing with not only Apache …
Using suPHP by default in apache
These days, I am finding it harder and harder to justify mod_php as the default behavior of an apache webserver over the advantages of mod_suphp. A lot of this has to do with my clients and their everyday needs, but I’ve become a pretty strong proponent of mod_suphp as the default for a server and …