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Category Archives: Network
Ενεργοποίηση / Enable Errors on PHP.ini
php.ini error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = on Για καλύτερη προστασία από επιθέσεις καλό είναι το display_errors να είναι “OFF” find php.ini path
SSH Linux Plesk Commands Console
Comand HTTPD -service httpd status ComandNAMED -service named status ComandQMAIL -service qmail status
Plesk PHP.ini
Where can I find php.ini configuration file on the Plesk server. APPLIES TO: Plesk for Linux/Unix RESOLUTION Usually php.ini location is /etc/php.ini. And PHP modules *.ini files are placed in /etc/php.d. Also, you can find which configuration files are used by PHP using a script with phpinfo() function: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Open a page which …